The VII Educational Innovation Workshop has given us the opportunity to continue betting on change. This meeting, organized by the School of Industrial and Civil Engineering (EEIC) of the ULPGC together with the Sergio Alonso Foundation as a collaborating entity, is part of the co-edu educational research project and has once again created a space in which the focus remains on progress.
This edition, held on July 11 and 12, focused on soft skills and artificial intelligence. A theme that is intrinsically related to our project, born with the aim of providing digital skills to help in the fight against climate change.
Among the STEAM training experiences of the day, the presentation of our initiative in the EEIC Auditorium was a highlight. It was there where the students of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering made a presentation of a Final Degree Project conceived within the framework of EduDemoS.
The students presented their proposal for the "Design and Development of an Educational Demonstrator on Renewable Energies for Environmental Awareness". A lecture focused on the sustainable wind energy demonstrator, whose model is inspired by César Manrique's Wind Toy. They also presented their designs for the solar demonstrator, based on the Bejeque plant, and the water demonstrator, a dew collector.
With the design and development phase of the prototypes now well underway, we are just a few months away from finally obtaining the demonstrators that will become the learning tool for teachers and students throughout Europe.