
Digital competencies as key pieces to achieve a sustainable future using the resources that nature provides us with as
the sun, air and water.

A child born in 2020 will live his or her entire life in a global warming scenario.

Sixth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

It is estimated that in the coming years the demand for technical profiles related to digitalization will increase to 900,000 professionals in Europe. 

European Union data.

EU Member States should promote "policies and learning programs for ecological transition and sustainable development". 

EU Council Recommendation of June 16, 2022


50% of the German companies surveyed consider the lack of qualified professionals to be the greatest threat to their business development. 

German Chamber of Industry and Commerce study, 2019.

About Us

About EduDemoS

EduDemoS was created to create an innovative educational model that allows young people and teachers across Europe to be part of the fight against climate change.

We believe in the important role of education and training in achieving a greener Europe.

We work to enable hundreds of European students to realize their full potential and acquire digital and sustainability-related skills.

To this end, 3 models of demonstrators based on renewable energies (water, sun and air), guides to learn how to build them and a program for trainers and students from all over Europe will be created.


Together we are working for a greener and more connected Europe.

Gerda Stetter Stiftung -
Technik macht Spaß


Sergio Alonso Foundation




GBS St.Gallen


El Rincón High School



The three phases that give life to our project

What we have done

Construction of educational examples and concepts for multiplication

Creation of three models of sustainable demonstrators and elaboration of step-by-step guides to learn how to develop each one.

What we are doing

Learning experience on sustainability and digitization

Participation and training in the Teachers' Academy, the Local and International Student Academy, and project monitoring and evaluation.

What we are going to do

Open program to connect people and spread the word on how to build sustainable technologies

Celebration of events such as makeathons local events, showrooms virtual showrooms, and connecting sustainable demonstrators.  


Design of 3 demonstrators based on sustainable, affordable and easily replicable technology.


Solar energy collection system with panels, based on the movement of sunflowers.


Construction of a wind turbine


Water collection system

Contact with us

Do you want to be part of the change? Are you interested in the project or do you want to collaborate? We read you, write to us.

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