7 teams 7 ecological models

The EduDemoS project and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) have started to work together in the search for ideas for the development of sustainable demonstrators. Three models will eventually lead the educational program: a water harvesting system, a tool that captures solar energy and a small windmill.

Led by Professor Pedro Hernández and within the framework of the Product Development Technologies course, 7 teams from the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of the ULPGC presented their proposals. These initiatives were based on three sustainable energies: water, sun and air.

The models will then be physically produced to test their feasibility and ability to be brought to reality. In this way, the project will be able to foresee its future possibilities of application in the classroom, thus going beyond the initial design.

In order to help in the fight against climate change, EduDemoS works to improve the digital skills of young people and teachers in Europe. To this end, five organizations are collaborating in this project: the Gerda Stetter Foundation, Germany; the Sergio Alonso Foundation and IES El Rincón, Spain; the Finnovaregio Foundation, Belgium; and GBS St. Gallen, Switzerland.